Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads
What is the better choice for promoting my business?
This is a common question from my new clients.
And I don't like answering it with just one choice.
Instead, I hit them with an answer:
"You should use both if You want better long-term results".
Let me share a real-life case from my experience with a marketing client
So, we've got this guy Tim.
Tim is the owner of a pretty cool online store for men's jewelry and accessories.
We figured out the advertising channels that work best for him.
Tim mentioned that he wants to turn off the Google Ads channel.
He emphasized his choice as follows.
"I compared the reports of Google Ads and Facebook Ads:
1. In the Facebook Ads reports, sales are recorded to be twice as high.
2. In the Facebook Ads reports, the average cost per customer acquisition is 60% lower.
3. I want to keep only the most effective ads channels."
That makes sense, right?
But there's one crucial nuance Tim wasn't aware of.
We gave Tim a more in-depth analytics report on his ad campaigns.
The report illustrated the entire journey of his customer.
From the first visit to Tim's online store and ending with the actual purchase.
In his case, the most common customer journey scenario was as follows:
The customer first lands on the website via Google Ads → But typically, he doesn't make a purchase right away → Next, he is included in the audience of some Facebook Ads campaigns → And starts seeing ads on Facebook from time to time → After several extra ad touches, finally makes the purchase.
Tim had an aha moment.
It's the synergy between Facebook Ads and Google Ads that makes it effective.
Moreover, we showed Tim that it works both ways.
We have a second common customer journey scenario, where everything works in the opposite direction:
The customer first lands on Tim's online store via Facebook Ads → He doesn't make a purchase right away → Later on, he finds his way to the website via Google Ads → And finally makes the purchase.
In this case, we won't delve into the detailed reasons why it happens like this.
The main message of this case story is to show You:
1. It is better to use both ad channels if You want better long-term results.
2. The key to effectiveness lies in the synergy between these ad channels.
Hats off to You for reaching this point and catching my drift.
You've just gained another mindset for survival in this tough and competitive business world.
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